5. Irrigation.

Like all garden vegetables, French beans, too, necessitate good amounts of water, the lack of which during certain development phases causes considerable product loss. In the absence of sufficient rain, irrigation is necessary (after seeding) in the amount of 10 – 15 mm. for germination, 20 – 35 mm. just before blooming, and after set up until harvesting one or two waterings of 20 – 25 mm. In-between irrigation depend on assessed necessity only. Obviously, frequency and amount of irrigation should be decided based on the season, soil makeup, and proximity of harvesting, which should take place on a relatively dry ground.

6. Cultivation.

In addition to the already mentioned pre-seeding operations, hoeing is fundamental. Performed when seedlings are at least 10 cm. tall, it has the purpose of eliminating any weeds left, breaking up the crust that formed after irrigation and rainfall, thus airing roots and reducing evaporation and transpiration.